Using CPAP can make you less grumpy, give you more self-confidence, make you more creative–and even improve your love life! These are some of the findings of a recent survey conducted among CPAP patients by National Sleep Therapy (NST).

More than 120 individuals with a history of sleep apnea who now use doctor-prescribed CPAP therapy responded to the survey. The survey was devised by NST president and cofounder Eric Cohen. Respondents could check off as many benefits as they received from CPAP therapy, thus the figures add up to more than 100%. The survey shows:

  • 48% are able to stay awake more during the day
  • 40% drive and focus on tasks better
  • 28% have a better attitude
  • 28% are less grumpy
  • 21% feel better overall
  • 20% feel like themselves again
  • 18% gained better control over hypertension
  • 13% have a better memory
  • 6% feel more creative
  • 3% have a better love life

Several respondents noted that their migraine headaches had disappeared. Others said they no longer snore (a benefit for their partner), they no longer need daytime naps, and they sleep through the night. The survey asked respondents for advice for new CPAP users. Comments included: “Don’t give up. Take the time to adjust. It’s worth the inconvenience.” “Be patient and relax. Use it faithfully.” “It took me quite awhile to completely get used to wearing it, but now I wouldn’t want to miss it because of my improved quality of life.”