Written (in English) by Kazuo Tsubota, MD, a professor and ophthalmologist at Japan’s Keio University School of Medicine, the e-book Blue Light Hazard discusses the circadian rhythm threats posed by blue light from devices such as smart phones and electronic tablets. The Amazon.com summary says in part, “We now face two hazards that even our own genes surely never expected. The first is a threat to our health triggered by the disruption of our circadian rhythm. A disrupted circadian rhythm not only invites sleep disorders and depression, it also elevates the risk of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and other ailments related to metabolic syndrome, increases the risk of cancer, and advances the aging process unnecessarily….The other blue light hazard is the impact on our eyes. In this ultra-aging society, damage to the eye is caused by extended exposure to blue light embedded in natural sunlight and also to prolonged usage of LED displays.”

“I am hoping the book will reach a wide global audience,” Tsubota tells Sleep Review.

Tsubota is also founder and president of the International Blue Light Society, which aims to bring awareness to blue light’s impacts on human health.