Getting back to school can be unappealing to some kids, but the importance of changing their summer sleep schedule might be even less appealing. This article from Keloland Television provides some tips for parents about enforcing healthy sleep patterns.

Health experts say kids and teens between the ages of 5 to 18 should get at least 10 hours of sleep so they are well rested for their busy school day.

“I would say at least the week before school is a good time to sit down and  say what is our bedtime going to be and what is our morning routine going to be when school gets started so you have a week to get the body used to that,” Avera Pediatrician, Dr. Sam Schimelfenig said.

When a new school year rolls around students may find themselves sleep deprived, which can affect their learning.

“From a learning perspective if we are not sleeping well at night we see that really being affected the following day with learning. It’s harder to learn, it’s harder to recall things that we have learned in the past and school can be a constant struggle if sleep is an issue,” Dr. Schimelfenig said.