Compare the specifications of 3 sleep lab management software options side-by-side: LabRetriever, Somnoware, and blueEHR.

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The guide includes details on:

  • first release year
  • pricing
  • highlighted features for: in-lab sleep studies, at-home sleep studies, lab managers, physicians, patients, payor-related, therapy-related, security & data-sharing
  • live tech support hours
  • who to contact for PSG & HST compatibility

Specifications gathered in June 2020. A version of this guide published in the June/July print issue of Sleep Review. We expect to update the guide about once a year, so let us know in the comments if there are other software programs or features you’d like included in the next update.

Information based on data submitted by software makers. Sleep Review strives for accuracy but cannot be held responsible for claims made by software companies. All software may not be included.