In a news report from The Guardian, science writer Jessa Gamble argues that with the help of science, sleep time may be reduced by making it higher quality and more efficient.

So what can we be doing to get better sleep now? First of all, get your room as dark as possible, ideally to less than eight lux, which means you shouldn’t be able to see the other side of the room. Blue or full-spectrum light trick the suprachiasmatic nucleus into thinking it’s daytime, so try to avoid reaching for your smartphone to check the time in the middle of the night.

Warming your feet before bed can reduce the length of time it takes to fall asleep by about two minutes. Smart beds are available, such as Luna, a mattress cover that manages the temperature of your bed. The Sleep cycle alarm clock app will wake you up when you’re at your lightest sleep cycle, the idea being that you’ll feel less groggy.

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