New research suggests a strong link between asthma and insomnia, reports WebMD UK. 

The researchers analysed data from 17,927 people aged 20 to 65 taking part in a long-term health study in Norway.

The participants were asked to report how long it took them to nod off, how easy or difficult it was to stay asleep, and for an assessment of their  sleep quality. They were also asked about  asthma symptoms at the start and end of the study period.

The results showed that those who often had problems getting off to sleep over the course of a month had a 65% higher risk of developing asthma over the following 11 years. This rose to a 108% higher risk for those encountering problems initiating sleep on an almost nightly basis.

Participants who said their quality of sleep was poor more than once a week had a 94% higher risk of developing asthma, the study found.