The Pricing, Data, Analysis, and Coding (PDAC) contractor for the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has verified Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) K1027 for the Panthera D-SAD X3 oral appliance. 

The Panthera D-SAD X3 oral appliance is made of medical grade nylon polyamide type 12 and features a patent-pending clip-on titration system without metal parts and requiring no tools. 

Panthera Dental offers more than 300 customization options for the X3, as well as three upper plateaus designs and two lower plateaus designs for tailored posterior and anterior contact surfaces. An extensive choice of bands is also available.

Earlier this year, Panthera Dental received PDAC verification for its Panthera Classic, which now can be billed for Medicare beneficiaries using HCPCS E0486.