Mattress company Polysleep has entered the gaming industry with the release of Woolen Warfare, a video game developed using Fortnite’s Unreal Editor that aims to address sleep deprivation among gamers, blending gaming with messages promoting healthy sleep habits.

Jeremiah Curvers, CEO and co-founder of Polysleep, emphasized in a release the game’s dual purpose: to provide entertainment while encouraging better sleep routines among players. Woolen Warfare targets a growing concern in the gaming community where prolonged gaming sessions often lead to sleep-related issues.

Polysleep’s Woolen Warfare is a collaboration with Metaverse Group and Hulk Labs—known for their programming skills in Unity and Unreal Engine—and, focusing on Gen Z, Alpha, and Millennial consumers, demographics with a higher prevalence of gaming interest.

The game has had 96,708 players in the United States, France, and Canada since its release, over 12 million cumulative impressions on TikTok, and a growing number of views on other social media channels.

“Woolen Warfare, designed with the well-being of gamers in mind, seeks to provide an enjoyable gaming experience without compromising on the importance of restful sleep,” according to a release from the company.

Photo caption: A sign featuring Woolen Warfare, one of Polysleep’s marketing initiatives for the launch of the game

Photo credit: Polysleep