
Restore Medical, St Paul, Minn, developer of the Pillar® Palatal Implant System—a minimally-invasive treatment for individuals suffering from snoring and mild-to-moderate obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)—today announced results of six clinical studies involving the Pillar Procedure that were presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation (AAO-HNS), held September 18-20.

According to a press release from the company, the results of these studies demonstrate the effectiveness of the Pillar Procedure in treating snoring and mild-to-moderate OSA, and add to the body of clinical evidence previously reported in 14 clinical studies that have been published or accepted for publication in peer-reviewed medical journals.

To read more about the Pillar clinical studies presented at the AAO-HNS, visit [removed]http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/061005/20061005005265.html?.v=1[/removed].