Some celebrities check into hotels simply to catch on sleep, reports Yahoo.

Research shows that the strategy really can help you catch up on sleep. In one study, research subjects who were allowed to sleep as long as they wanted spent about 12 hours/night in bed for four or five nights, on average, and then went down to a more normal 7 to 8 hours. ” It can definitely help meet some of the sleep needs that you missed,” says Natalie Dautovich, the National Sleep Foundation Environmental Scholar. “Sleeping in can be beneficial especially if you have that extended period of time to get back on your regular sleep schedule.” In fact, Shane Green, Global Hospitality Consultant, Founder and President of SGE International, says that many of his VIP clients will check into a hotel just to catch up on sleep. “So many times you get these celebrities that are coming off the road or off the tour of after a season and they will check in for a couple of weeks just to get sort of their balance back,” says Shane. “We have a number of celebrities who would check in and put blackout curtains up and pretty much just sleep for days on end.” Once they’ve acclimated and are ready to enter the real world again.