While his wife had been urging him to go in for a sleep study for years, data from a consumer fitness tracker finally convinced him to make the appointment, says the founder of OnMilwaukee.com.

But what really struck me was the sleep-tracking feature. I’ve never been a “morning person,” and now I see why. While I understand that a sub-$100 wristband isn’t a scientifically honed device, it did show me trends. I slept very lightly, waking up lots (even with Ambien or its herbal and less-herbal competitors) for the first half of the night, and my deep sleep came after 4 a.m., until the moment I finally pried myself out of bed in the morning. No matter what time I went to bed, I was only getting two or three hours of “deep sleep,” and it was totally at the wrong times. It makes sense that I felt like a zombie until about 5 p.m. each day. My natural Circadian rhythm was inverted, at best, and completely screwed up, at worst.