While drinking coffee early in the day can help support alertness and concentration levels, especially when sleep patterns are disturbed, decreasing intake six hours before bedtime may help reduce its impact on sleep, a new report from The Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (ISIC) found.

“Caffeine is consumed daily by roughly 80% of the world’s population, often for its benefits in promoting wakefulness and concentration. Its effects can last for several hours, depending on how quickly or slowly it is metabolized by the body,” study author Renata Riha, a professor in the Department of Sleep Medicine at The University of Edinburgh. says in a statement.

“Those who find that drinking coffee later in the day disrupts their sleep patterns may wish to swap to low caffeine drinks, or decaffeinated coffee during the afternoon and evening.”

Furthermore, the report suggests that caffeine’s effect on sleep depends on the amount consumed throughout the day, individual susceptibilities and consumption habits. For those sensitive to caffeine, limiting consumption six hours prior to sleep time can help lessen its effects.