A news report from The Telegraph indicates that energy-saving lightbulbs may prevent people from sleeping because of the blue light emitted, according to a sleep expert.

Professor Debra Skene of the University of Surrey said that, where possible, householders should try dimming the lights in the hours before bedtime so that the body can prepare itself for sleep.

But she said that it was more difficult now that so many overheard incandescent tungsten lights had been replaced with energy-saving bulbs.

Speaking at the Hay Festival Prof Skene said: “It’s about how much light gets to your eyes and the brighter it is the longer you have it on for and the more blue that is in that light.

“If it is a light that has a lot of blue LED lights you will have more of an effect. If you want to reduce the effect on staying awake at night and to try and sleep you should turn down the intensity, you should’t be looking at it for too long and you should try and have light around you in the room that’s less blue.

View the full story at www.telegraph.co.uk